Madrid - Le Conseil oléicole international (COI) organise, en collaboration avec le Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM), une réunion internationale consacrée aux actions intégrées contre la Xylella fastidiosa pour la protection des oliviers et du commerce international, qui se tiendra à l'Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Bari (Italie) du 12 au 14 décembre 2018 (programme provisoire ci-joint). L’objectif du COI est d’élaborer, avec la participation des représentants du CIHEAM, de l’OEPP, de la CIPV et de la FAO qui seront présents à cette rencontre, un plan d’action intégré pour prévenir l’apparition de la Xylella fastidiosa, lutter contre cette bactérie et atténuer ses effets sur les oliveraies, et de proposer des mesures pour garantir le commerce international des oliviers.
“Integrated actions against Xylella fastidiosa to protect olive trees and international trade”
CIHEAM Bari – Great Hall, 12 – 14 December 2018
Wednesday, December 12
h9.30-10.00 Welcome speeches:
P. Plaza (CIHEAM Secretary General a.i)
A. Ghedira (IOC Executive Director)
L. Di Gioia (Councillor for Agriculture of Apulia Region) - tbc
Framework of the olive sector
h10.00-10.10 Overview of the Olive sector (A. Adi, IOC)
h10.10-11.30 Olive sector: producers view of the Xylella fastidiosa problem (A. Ben El Hadj M'Barek; T. Forcella - IOC Consultative Committee)
State of the art on Xylella fastidiosa
h10.30-11.00 Overview on Xylella fastidiosa and its vectors and host-plants (G.P. Martelli, Bari University)
h11.00-11.30 Key scientific achievements on Xylella fastidiosa (D. Boscia, CNR Bari; A.M. D’Onghia, CIHEAM Bari; B. Giovani - C. Picard, EPPO-Euphresco)
h11.30-12.00 Coffee Break
Legal context
h12.00-12.15 The IPPC International Standards for Phytosanitary Standards and how they apply to Xylella fastidiosa (S. Brunel - IPPC)
h12.15-12.30 EU – legislation on Xylella fastidiosa (P. Di Rubbo, EU) - tbc
h12.30-12.45 EPPO recommendations and Standards on Xylella fastidiosa (C. Picard, EPPO)
h12.45-13.00 Pest risk analysis for X. fastiosa (G. Stancanelli, EFSA)
h13.00-14.00 Discussion and session closing
h14.00-15.00 break
Initiatives to prevent or manage outbreaks of Xylella fastidiosa
h15.00-15.20 Good practices in Olive culture (P. La Notte, CNR Bari)
h15.20-15.40 FAO initiatives for preventing and combating the threat of Xylella fastidiosa (T. Yaseen, FAORNE)
h15.40-16.00 Certification scheme of plant propagation material of Olive (C. Picard, EPPO)
h16.00-16.20 The IOC-UCO THOC project (L. Rallo, UCO)
h16.20-17.00 Discussion and session closing
Thursday, December 13
Action Plan
h9.00-10.00 Evaluation of Xylella fastidiosa risk perception and governance effectiveness in EU-Mediterranean region: a proposal of survey (G. Ladisa, CIHEAM Bari)
h10.00-14.00 Working group: identification of common strategies for prevention and control of Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks (IOC, CIHEAM)
h.14.00-15.00 break
h15.00-19.30 Practical demonstration on surveillance of Xylella fastidiosa (CIHEAM Bari – IPM staff)
Friday, December 14
h7.00 Departure from Hotels and CIHEAM Bari
h7:00 - 20.00 Field visit in the area of Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks (M. Digiaro, F. Valentini, K. Djelouah, G. Cavallo)