Tunis – After receiving the green light to publish a call for tender for the IOC website and the platform of the new Observatory – the deadline for which is the end of February–, in implementing the programme of activities agreed upon at the last session of the Council of Members in November 2017, the IOC has begun reaching out to authorities, research bodies, universities and public and private institutions. This seeks to facilitate a constant exchange of news on the situations in member countries, particular technical and IT-related information, with a view to developing the new Observatory of the International Olive Council. To this end, a mission of the IOC Executive Secretariat to Tunisia was led by the Deputy Executive Director Mustafa Sepetçi and the Head of the Observatory and Information Systems Department. Meetings were held with the Directors Chokri Bayoudh of the National Olive Oil Board (ONH) and Hamed Dally Hassan of the National Agriculture Observatory (ONAGRI), together with their respective staff. During the course of the mission, the IOC delegation visited the ONH nursery, which coordinates the yearly production of four million olive trees plants for the market.