A videoconference was held to organise the preparatory meeting of the World catalogue of the main genetically authenticated olive tree varieties, which will take place in Córdoba from 14 to 18 June 2021. The meeting was attended by three representatives of the IOC: Abdelkrim Adi, the Head of the Olive Growing, Olive Technology and Environment Unit; Catarina Bairrao, the Head of the Technical Cooperation and Training Department; and Pablo Morello, the Head of the Olive Oil Technology and Environment Department. They met with Luis Rallo, the coordinator of the network of germplasm banks of the IOC, and Prof. Diego Barranco from the University of Córdoba.
During the meeting, they discussed the programme and logistics of the meeting in detailed as well as the importance of its outcome, a clear structure for the catalogue and a timeline for its creation. A first draft of the structure of the catalogue has been prepared for discussion with the experts at the meeting in Córdoba.
The meeting in Córdoba will be attended in person by a restricted number of specialised experts. It will also be open to other guests online so that experts who are unable to travel due to covid-19 can participate and contribute to the fruitful discussion.