Lugar del envase donde la evolución de la temperatura es menos favorable. En ese punto se debe determinar la temperatura utilizada en los cálculos que fijan el tratamiento térmico de esterilización o pasterización más adecuado para cada producto y envase.
This week on OHIS
MADRID, SPAIN / 08.11.2024
This week on the Olive Health Information System website The newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health Osteoporosis and the fractures associated with it are important public health issues. Many...
15th Meeting of the IOC Statistics Working Group
MADRID, SPAIN / 06.11.2024
Essential insights on the olive oil sector On 5 November, the International Olive Council (IOC) held its 15th Statistics Working Group meeting in a hybrid format, with participants attending in person and via...