System of transporting unpacked product.
Product obtained by pressing olive paste.
Point or booth where the olive haulier reports the ID details of the owner and the origin of the olives before they are unloaded.
Elevated booth located in the mill yard where olive deliveries (order, place) and sampling are organised. It houses the controls of the equipment for removing the debris from the olives and selecting the sorting hopper.
Positive olfactory–gustatory sensation reminiscent of tomatoes and tomato leaves, usually perceived in fresh oils made at the beginning of the season.
Protocol for selecting the place, frequency, amount and method of collecting partial portions of products and/or processing by-products in order to make up final samples for appropriate testing to check process efficiency and quality.
Metal, funnel-shaped bin placed aboveground in the mill yard to hold the different batches of olives delivered after they have been cleaned to remove any debris.
Metal, funnel-shaped bin sunk into the mill receiving yard where the individual batches of olives are deposited.