On 20 and 21 September 2022, the Standardisation and Research Unit held a videoconference for 40 experts on the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oils, the majority of whom were panel leaders from around the world.
Several topics of interest were discussed, including the latest and draft revisions of the organoleptic assessment method and related documents as well as ideas for new projects. The progress of the studies on sensory analysis conducted by the eWGs was presented, on topics such as accreditation, taster training, reference materials, borderline samples, ring tests, the study of the ripe Picual variety, the study of the Chemlali variety and volatile compounds as well as the results of inter-comparison tests for IOC recognition for the period 2022-2023.
The rules for the Mario Solinas Quality Award and the national competitions organised by competent authorities were also discussed. These rules will be presented at the 116th session of the Council of Members for adoption in November 2022.
The conclusions of the third edition of the workshop on harmonising IOC-recognised panels to minimise deviation between results were also presented. The workshop took place from 14 to 16 September 2022 and, given its success, a fourth edition is scheduled for September 2023 by videoconference.
The meeting also included a presentation on the inter- and intrapanel platform. This digital platform was selected through a public tender and IOC-recognised panels used this tool during the workshop to ensure harmonisation between panels.