Experts met virtually over a two-day period to provide an update on their work
The IOC Standardisation and Research Unit organised a virtual meeting on 13 and 14 February with experts and advisers in the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oils officially designated by IOC member countries.
The participants, most of whom are panel leaders from IOC-recognised tasting panels for virgin olive oils, provided an update on the ongoing studies devoted to sensory analysis that are being carried out by several electronic working groups, as well as assessing potential new projects. They also examined the latest revisions to the organoleptic assessment method and evaluated the details of resolutions approved during the 118th session of the Council of Members. The experts addressed the program of the 5th workshop on the harmonisation of IOC-recognised tasting panels, to be held by videoconference from 17 to 19 September this year.
Other topics of discussion included accreditation, taster training, reference material, borderline olive oils, as well as the results of the of the studies on the ripe Picual and Chemlali varieties and the volatile profiles of these oils. The IOC Executive Secretariat took the opportunity to remind the experts that the deadline for receiving extra virgin olive oil samples for the Mario Solinas Quality Award in the northern hemisphere has been extended to 22 February 2024.
This group of experts is scheduled to meet again in hybrid format on 25 and 26 September, 2024.