New monthly dashboard of the IOC
MADRID / 21.05.2020
In the near future, this service will also be available to the public on the home page of the IOC website
The website of the International Olive Council
Download the IOC’s latest Newsletter, where you can find all of our monthly updates and the latest statistics related to the world trade of olive oil and table olives
Receive our monthly Newsletter directly in your inbox by signing-up here:
Inspiration from the Mediterranean Diet for Contemporary Cooking Learn more about this collaboration between The Culinary Institute of America and the International Olive Council to advance Healthy, sustainable, delicious food choices -with a special focus on technical training and menu innovation for chefs.
Inspiration du régime méditerranéen pour les biscuits contemporains
Apprenez-en plus sur cette collaboration entre le Culinary Institute of America et le Conseil oléicole international pour faire progresser des choix alimentaires sains, durables et délicieux, avec un accent particulier sur la formation technique et l’innovation des menus pour les chefs.