This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 12.09.2023
This week we bring your attention to a recent review that summarizes all the clinical evidence available on the numerous health benefits of olive oil. Olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, has been associated with...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 05.09.2023
Plus Ultra: Beyond the Mediterranean. One of the studies we would like to highlight in this newsletter is that of Hershey, M et al. This study was a nutritional intervention with a novel approach that showed to be effective....
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 25.07.2023
Diet is recognized as a modifiable risk factor in preventing and treating age-related diseases. This week’s newsletter brings you information on studies showing that healthy dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 05.07.2023
In the last few years, there has been a growing interest in conducting remote nutritional intervention studies, as they offer a convenient and accessible approach to delivering interventions, particularly in situations where...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 28.06.2023
This week we first focus on a systematic review and meta-analysis that looks at the effect of olive oil consumption on body fat distribution in adults. The study’s findings suggest that olive oil consumption (for...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 19.06.2023
Olive oil, a key component of the Mediterranean diet (MD), has many cardiovascular health benefits. These benefits are once more verified with the results of several recently published studies. In a study including 60,582...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 13.06.2023
In this week’s newsletter we have a look at trends in adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) among Spanish children and adolescents over the last two decades. In this study, the researchers conducted a...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 03.06.2023
Olive oil is the principal culinary fat and an essential component of the Mediterranean diet. Its health benefits have been linked to its polyphenols and oleic acid content. This week, we bring forward a systematic...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 30.05.2023
Olive oil has been recognized as a fundamental component of the Mediterranean diet due to its various health benefits. The first article we have selected this week delves into the underlying mechanisms that explain some of...