This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 24.04.2023
The Mediterranean diet (MD) and its main component, extra virgin olive oil, have many beneficial health effects. Previous evidence has shown that the MD is one of the best diets for healthy ageing in terms of its antioxidant...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 10.04.2023
The current pandemic of obesity constitutes a major public health issue around the world, given its association with disabling chronic conditions and increased mortality. The prevalence of obesity has gone up dramatically...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 04.04.2023
Depression is an important health condition due to its high prevalence and the personal suffering it entails. Following a Mediterranean dietary pattern may have beneficial effects on mental health. In the multicentre...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
MADRID, SPAIN / 28.03.2023
The main theme of this week are the multiple benefits associated with following a Mediterranean Diet (Med Diet), and its protective effects on various diseases, with a special focus on cardiovascular health. The Med Diet’s...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
Madrid, Spain / 20.03.2023
In this week’s newsletter, we bring forward a research study that points out the effect of plasma fatty acids (FAs) on the risk of cardiovascular disease. Investigators conducted a case-cohort study nested within the...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
Madrid, Spain / 12.03.2023
The first article that we want to highlight this week is a systematic review that examines the role of polyphenols in the Mediterranean Diet with respect to human and planetary health. It advocates for a transition to a...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
Madrid, Spain / 06.03.2023
More and more, the Mediterranean diet is explored in the context of both cancer prevention and adjuvant enhancement of cancer treatments. Bolte et al reported in their study that high adherence to the Mediterranean diet...
This week on the Olive Health Information System website, the newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
Madrid, Spain / 01.03.2023
Increasing evidence confirms that dietary choice is key to maintaining health. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston recently conducted a study to test how long-term dietary patterns affect mortality...
MADRID, SPAIN / 20.02.2023
The worldwide burden of neurodegenerative diseases is enormous. In the absence of disease-modifying treatments, identifying modifiable risk factors over lifespan could alleviate the burden. Specifically, the Mediterranean...