This week on the Olive Health Information System website
The newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health
Olive oil, a key component of the Mediterranean diet, is well known for its long-term health benefits. A recently conducted prospective cohort study examined the association between olive oil consumption and mortality using data from three major cohort studies: the Nurses’ Health Study (1990-2023), the Nurses’ Health Study II (1991-2023), and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1990-2023), involving a total of 221,054 participants. Findings revealed that every 5 g/day increment in olive oil consumption was associated with an 8% reduction in the risk of total mortality. Moreover, a statistically significant association was also observed between higher olive oil intake and mortality from cancer and cardiovascular disease. This study provides additional evidence supporting the long-term health benefits of olive oil consumption.
Another recent study further reinforces the benefits of a Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil on long-term health. This cohort study, conducted with 27,773 participants from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1998 and 2016, assessed the impact of the Mediterranean diet (measured through the aMED) on Alzheimer’s disease mortality. The study found that participants with higher aMED scores had a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease-related mortality. These findings suggest that following a Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil can have long-term benefits on cognitive function and brain health.
Other articles mentioned this week in the OHIS newsletter:
Olive oil
Butter and Plant-Based Oils Intake and Mortality.
Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet and breast cancer: A narrative review.
Mental health
Neurodegenerative diseases
Impact of Nutrition on the Gut Microbiota: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease.
Nutritional and dietary clinical trials for Parkinson’s disease: a narrative review.
Healthy dietary patterns in relation to cognitive performance and Alzheimer’s disease mortality.
Food-based indexes and their association with dietary inflammation.
Plant-Based Foods for Chronic Skin Diseases: A Focus on the Mediterranean Diet.