1 notes

In June of the 2020/2021 crop year, the unit value of extra-EU exports stood at € 274 per 100kg (+2.4% compared to the previous month).

Spanish exports of table olives reached 313 920 tonnes in the 2019/2020 crop year for an estimated value of €734.9 millions, placing it in first place followed by Greece with 153 125 tonnes and €518.9 millions; Portugal with 42 266 tonnes and €51 millions ; and Italy with 22 081 tonnes and €75.3 millions.

In the 2019/2020 crop year, extra-EU exports of table olives reached 297 126 tonnes for an estimated value of €829.1 millions (-8.3% and -3.3% , respectively, compared to the previous crop year).

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Spain 175 616 438.1 201 341 464.1 188 693 455.0 150 609 376.1
Greece 91 614 277.0 83 710 277.8 70 980 265.2 81 461 240.2
Portugal 13 826 45.1 15 837 50.8 15 426 48.3 12 007 52.8
Italy 13 208 32.1 14 803 35.3 13 799 31.8 14 985 24.6
Others 8 394 29.6 8 221 29.3 8 228 28.9 6 949 26.0
Total 302 658 821.9 323 912 857.2 297 126 829.1 266 011 719.6
* Extra EU exports by exporting country and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2020/2021 from September to June

On the other hand, intra-EU exports reached 277 599 tonnes for an estimated value of €692.6 millions (+1.8% and +4.5%, respectively, compared to the previous crop year).

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Spain 118 578 267.8 126 634 272.6 125 227 279.9 102 207 233.1
Greece 89 182 226.9 82 250 235.2 82 145 253.7 75 950 218.3
Portugal 31 798 55.4 24 839 54.9 26 840 55.8 14 082 48.7
Others 40 021 104.6 38 851 100.2 43 386 103.2 40 088 96.3
Total 279 579 654.8 272 574 662.9 277 599 692.6 232 326 596.4
* Intra EU exports by exporting country and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2020/2021 from September to June

In terms of volumes by product category, 84.2% of total imports were under code 20057000 (olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen)) in the 2019/2020 crop year, followed by imports under 20019065 with 4.9%, 07099210 with 4.6%, 07112010 with 5.2%, and the remaining 1.2% under 07108010.

In June of the 2020/2021 crop year, the unit value of extra-EU exports of table olives stood at €274 per 100kg (-5.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or +2.4% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 29 714.7 tonnes (+27.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.9% compared to the previous month).

Also in June, extra-EU exports mainly went to Australia(+17.1%), Brazil(-44.8%), Canada(+10.6%), Russian Federation(+1.8%), Arabia Saudi(-27.5%), United kingdom(+33.2%), and United States(+44%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
United States 116 910 336.2 127 638 357.4 106 184 326.9 97 843 293.4
Russia 24 816 76.3 26 615 81.6 27 206 82.4 22 619 65.4
United Kingdom 24 676 77.0 24 398 71.9 23 939 68.6 20 943 60.2
Saudi Arabia 19 477 43.8 20 686 45.2 21 613 48.8 15 746 44.2
Canada 18 195 43.7 18 861 45.0 18 664 47.5 17 943 34.8
Australia 14 411 40.6 14 948 41.0 12 710 36.4 14 046 34.0
Brazil 5 344 18.5 9 178 18.9 7 446 20.9 4 588 18.7
Albania 6 971 15.5 7 013 17.3 7 253 18.2 9 214 13.3
Mexico 5 606 14.2 6 358 14.0 6 159 17.6 4 444 16.0
Ukraine 4 901 8.2 4 741 10.3 6 047 12.2 5 459 14.6
Switzerland 5 454 8.7 5 451 12.0 5 880 11.2 5 316 7.3
Others 55 898 139.3 58 024 142.6 54 026 138.5 47 852 117.6
Total 302 658 821.9 323 912 857.2 297 126 829.1 266 011 719.6
* Extra EU exports by partner and crop year. Volume in tonnes.Value in millions. 2020/2021 from September to June

Intra-EU exports mainly went to Italy, Germany and France.

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Italy 59 069 134.7 57 805 139.2 53 037 154.9 40 474 128.9
Germany 45 018 123.4 46 963 123.9 49 834 118.0 41 622 88.9
France 32 296 89.3 32 632 92.4 34 812 96.5 31 235 90.0
Spain 32 154 49.5 25 071 50.0 26 652 50.4 13 850 49.1
Portugal 13 617 27.4 14 653 31.5 15 685 38.0 13 196 33.9
Netherlands 14 247 25.3 14 100 29.3 13 936 34.6 14 376 34.3
Belgium 10 864 32.0 12 532 28.7 13 534 31.8 12 309 29.7
Poland 9 114 23.0 10 746 24.0 12 360 22.8 13 779 19.1
Romania 13 966 26.0 11 311 21.2 12 085 20.8 11 983 12.5
Others 49 235 124.2 46 761 122.8 45 664 124.8 39 504 110.0
Total 279 579 654.8 272 574 662.9 277 599 692.6 232 326 596.4
* Intra EU exports by partner and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2020/2021 from September to June

By country, Greece and Spain are the most representative table olives exporters from the European Union to other countries. They cover around 42% of global table olives exports.


The IOC’s figures for Spain from June of the 2020/2021 crop year put the unit value of extra-EU exports at €254 per 100kg (-0.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.5% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 16 393 tonnes (+10.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or -3.3% compared to the previous month).

Spanish exports mainly went to Australia(+18.1%), Brazil(-56.3%), Canada(-1.3%), Japan(+86.9%), Russian Federation(+21.3%), Arabia Saudi(-37%), United kingdom(-11.5%), United States(+18.8%), Italy(-4.7%), Germany(-7.1%), France(+1%), and Portugal(+59.9%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

The unit value of intra-EU exports stood at €241 per 100kg (-1.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or +3.2% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 11 820.7 tonnes (+7.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +20.6% compared to the previous month).


The IOC’s figures for Greece from June of the 2020/2021 crop year put the unit value of extra-EU exports at €288 per 100kg (-25.8% compared to the same period previous crop year or +4.3% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 9 241.8 tonnes (+74.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +4.4% compared to the previous month). The volume exported to United States was +99%, Italy was +76.6%, Germany was -7.2%, Romania was -8%, Australia was +15.3%, and Albania was +35.4% compared to the same period the previous crop year.

The unit value of intra-EU exports stood at €256 per 100kg (-24.3% compared to the same period previous crop year or -8.9% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 8 362.9 tonnes (+27.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +7.4% compared to the previous month).


The IOC’s figures for Portugal from June of the 2020/2021 crop year put the unit value of extra-EU exports at €219 per 100kg (+3.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or +0.5% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 1 204.4 tonnes (-21.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +93% compared to the previous month). The volume exported to United States was +36.3%, Russia was -36.1%, Canada was -81.7%, Brazil was +677.3%, Spain was -57.1%, and France was -56.9% compared to the same period the previous crop year.

The unit value of intra-EU exports stood at €96 per 100kg (+12.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -7.4% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 809.8 tonnes (-55.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or -9.9% compared to the previous month).


The IOC’s figures for Italy from June of the 2020/2021 crop year put the unit value of extra-EU exports at €364 per 100kg (-2.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.9% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 2 034.9 tonnes (+95.8% compared to the same period previous crop year or +6% compared to the previous month).

Extra-EU exports mainly went to Australia(+27.8%), Canada(+35.5%), Japan(+49.4%), United kingdom(+646.5%), United States(+113.3%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

The unit value of intra-EU exports stood at €346 per 100kg (+17.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or -0.1% compared to the previous month) while the export volume stood at 890.8 tonnes (+19.7% compared to the same period previous crop year or +18.6% compared to the previous month).

1. Extra-EU

In June of the 2020/2021 crop year, the unit value index of the extra-EU in stood at 13.9 (-86.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +41.8% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, The unit value of exports stood at €274 per 100kg (-5.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or +2.4% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, The volume of exports in stood at 29 714.7 tonnes (+27.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.9% compared to the previous month). Exports mainly went to June, extra-EU exports mainly went to Australia(+17.1%), Brazil(-44.8%), Canada(+10.6%), Russian Federation(+1.8%), Arabia Saudi(-27.5%), United kingdom(+33.2%), and United States(+44%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):

1.1 Table olives

1.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

1.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

1.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

1.2 Export unit value index

1.2.1 Export unit value index by product quality

1.2.2 Month over month export unit value index variation rates (%)

1.3 Export by product quality

1.3.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.3.2 Export volume (tonnes)

1.4 Export by country (Extra-EU)

1.4.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.4.2 Export volume (tonnes)

1.5 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

1.5.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.5.2 Export volume (tonnes)

1.6 Flows

1.6.1 Extra-EU, volume (2019/2020) (tonnes)

1.6.2 Extra-EU, value (2019/2020) (€ - ×1000)

1.6.1 Extra-EU, volume (2020/2021) (tonnes)

1.6.4 Extra-EU, value (2020/2021) (€ - ×1000)

2 Intra-EU

2.1 Table olives

2.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

2.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

2.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

2.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

2.2 Flows

2.2.1 Intra-EU (2019/2020) (t)

3. Spain


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €254 per 100kg (-0.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.5% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 16 393 tonnes (+10.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or -3.3% compared to the previous month). Exports mainly went to Australia(+18.1%), Brazil(-56.3%), Canada(-1.3%), Japan(+86.9%), Russian Federation(+21.3%), Arabia Saudi(-37%), United kingdom(-11.5%), United States(+18.8%), Italy(-4.7%), Germany(-7.1%), France(+1%), and Portugal(+59.9%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €241 per 100kg (-1.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or +3.2% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 11 820.7 tonnes (+7.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +20.6% compared to the previous month).

3.1 Table olives

3.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

3.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

3.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

3.2 Export by product quality

3.2.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.2.2 Export volume (tonnes)

3.3 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU)

3.3.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.3.2 Export volume (tonnes)

3.4 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

3.4.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.4.2 Export volume (tonnes)

3.5 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU)

3.5.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.5.2 Export volume (tonnes)

3.6 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU) (20057000)

3.6.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

3.6.2 Export volume (tonnes)

4. Greece


  • In June, yhe unit value of exports stood at €288 per 100kg (-25.8% compared to the same period previous crop year or +4.3% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 9 241.8 tonnes (+74.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +4.4% compared to the previous month). The volume exported to United States was +99%, Italy was +76.6%, Germany was -7.2%, Romania was -8%, Australia was +15.3%, and Albania was +35.4% compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €256 per 100kg (-24.3% compared to the same period previous crop year or -8.9% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 8 362.9 tonnes (+27.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +7.4% compared to the previous month).

4.1 Table olives

4.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

4.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

4.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

4.2 Export by product quality

4.2.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.2.2 Export volume (tonnes)

PERIOD 07099210 20057000 07112010 20019065 07108010
2019 Sep 450.2 11854.7 184.1 1981.3 75.8
2019 Oct 1243.8 11762.8 179.7 2806.4 49.6
2019 Nov 273.4 11639.9 286.5 1633.2 0.6
2019 Dec 195.0 10078.9 199.2 1109.5 0.1
2020 Jan 49.8 10684.5 303.8 1365.6 0.1
2020 Feb 52.8 11079.3 398.6 1263.9 1.0
2020 Mar 65.7 11233.4 227.0 1672.3 0.1
2020 Apr 22.0 10430.9 108.1 1381.8 0.0
2020 May 1.3 9098.5 140.2 1132.7 0.6
2020 Jun 27.2 10282.7 113.0 1429.6 0.6
2020 Jul 71.6 12823.7 112.4 1547.1 0.0
2020 Aug 74.6 8802.3 32.5 1088.9 0.1
2020 Sep 56.9 14049.0 182.3 1333.2 0.1
2020 Oct 47.9 13836.4 463.2 1240.2 1.3
2020 Nov 37.8 13230.6 119.2 1434.3 1.8
2020 Dec 246.0 13754.5 101.6 1326.0 0.0
2021 Jan 127.3 10647.9 140.2 928.1 0.0
2021 Feb 106.5 13159.0 135.1 1003.3 2.0
2021 Mar 54.0 16114.1 170.3 1331.1 0.3
2021 Apr 2.1 15958.2 173.6 1652.9 1.5
2021 May 71.4 14956.6 218.5 1388.2 2.4
2021 Jun 100.6 15924.4 147.1 1426.6 5.9

4.3 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU)

4.3.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.3.2 Export volume (tonnes)

4.4 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

4.4.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.4.2 Export volume (tonnes)

4.5 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU)

4.5.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.5.2 Export volume (tonnes)

4.6 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU) (20057000)

4.6.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

4.6.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5. Portugal


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €219 per 100kg (+3.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or +0.5% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, The volume of exports stood at 1 204.4 tonnes (-21.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +93% compared to the previous month). The volume exported to United States was +36.3%, Russia was -36.1%, Canada was -81.7%, Brazil was +677.3%, Spain was -57.1%, and France was -56.9% compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €96 per 100kg (+12.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -7.4% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 809.8 tonnes (-55.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or -9.9% compared to the previous month).

5.1 Table olives

5.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

5.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

5.2 Export by product quality

5.2.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.2.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5.3 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU)

5.3.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.3.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5.4 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

5.4.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.4.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5.5 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU)

5.5.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.5.2 Export volume (tonnes)

5.6 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU) (20057000)

5.6.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

5.6.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6. Italy


  • In June, the unit value of exports stood at €364 per 100kg (-2.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.9% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 2 034.9 tonnes (+95.8% compared to the same period previous crop year or +6% compared to the previous month). Exports mainly went to Australia(+27.8%), Canada(+35.5%), Japan(+49.4%), United kingdom(+646.5%), United States(+113.3%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):


  • In June stood at, the unit value of exports €346 per 100kg (+17.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or -0.1% compared to the previous month).

  • In June, the volume of exports stood at 890.8 tonnes (+19.7% compared to the same period previous crop year or +18.6% compared to the previous month).

6.1 Table olives

6.1.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.1.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6.1.3 Export value (€ - millions)

6.1.4 Export average price (€ / 100 kg)

6.2 Export by product quality

6.2.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.2.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6.3 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU)

6.3.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.3.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6.4 Table olives export by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

6.4.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.4.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6.5 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU)

6.5.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.5.2 Export volume (tonnes)

6.6 Table olives export by country (Intra-EU) (20057000)

6.6.1 Export unit value (€ / 100 kg)

6.6.2 Export volume (tonnes)

Contact: International Olive Council - Economic and Promotion Unit - Economic Research and Statistics Department https://www.internationaloliveoil.org/

Some of the data are subject to review. Figures are subject to change or correction without notice.

Last update: 2021-Sep-28

IOC own elaboration based on data from the European Commission; EUROSTAT; the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain; ISMEA (Italy); and information provided by member countries.

In order to make the historical data comparable the figures have been calculated for the EU-27. The United Kingdom is no longer a Member State of the European Union, however until the end of the transition period, 31 January 2020, it is still part of the EU Customs Union.

United kingdom data for January and February of 2021 were not available.

Some of the data are subject to review. Estimates are subject to change or correction without notice.

Olive crop year means the period from 1 September of year t to 30 August of year t+1 for table olives.

Trade value in FOB type (free on board).

Export unit value in € / 100 kg.

Export value in € (1 millions = 106; 1 billion = 109).

Export volume in tonnes, 1t=1000kg=1Mg.

The unit value index of exports is based on Paasche’ Chain Index method. The data are not seasonally adjusted. The unit value is calculated as (trade value)/quantity.

Harmonized System Codes: Table olives = 20057000 + 20019065 + 07108010 + 07112010 + 07099210 .

20057000 olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen)

20019065 liben olives, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid

07108010 liben olives, uncooked or cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen

07099210 liben fresh or chilled olives (excl. for oil production)

07112010 liben olives provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for oil production

International Olive Council

2020/2021 crop year